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Saturday 20 April 2013

Why is green tea so healthy? Why you should drink Green Tea?

Why is green tea so healthy?
Why you should drink Green Tea?

  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • High cholesterol levels
  • Cardiovascular disease
  • Infection
  • Impaired immune function

  • Fight Cancer
  • Lowers Cholesterol
  • Prevents cavities
  • Protects against heart disease
  • Speed metabolism
  • Prevents diabetes
  • Antiviral agent
  • Maintains a healthy circulatory system
  • Strengthens tooth enamel
  • Reduces plaque and bacteria in your mouth
  • Prevents dementia
  • Full of antioxidants
  • Prevents food poisoning
  • Gives healthy skin
  • Prevents bad breath
  • Detoxifies
Green tea helps burn fat 
It can help speed up the metabolic rate because its antioxidant effect helps the liver to function more efficiently.
A recent U.S. study of overweight men found that, with no other changes to their diet or exercise regimes, drinking green tea three times a day burned up 200 extra calories a day. The green tea drinkers also found that their energy levels were greatly increased.
Green tea protects against heart disease 
It has been shown to lower LDL (bad) cholesterol, because its potent antioxidant effects inhibit the oxidation of LDL cholesterol in the arteries.
The formation of abnormal blood clots (thrombosis) is the leading cause of heart attack and stroke, and green tea has been shown to inhibit abnormal blood clot formation as effectively as aspirin.

Green tea can help lower blood pressure 
A major cause of hypertension (high blood pressure) is an enzyme secreted by the kidneys called angiotension- converting enzyme (ACE).
Popular drugs for hypertension act as ACE inhibitors: by blocking the effects of ACE, blood pressure is reduced. Green tea is a natural ACE inhibitor, and several medical studies show lowered blood pressure in animals and humans given green tea extracts.

Green tea can help protect against diabetes 
When starch is consumed, it requires the enzyme amylase to break it down into simple sugars that can be absorbed in the bloodstream.
Green tea polyphenols inhibit amylase, and so can help lower blood sugar levels. High blood levels of glucose and insulin predispose people to diabetes.

Green tea can help prevent food poisoning 
As it can kill bacteria, drinking green tea with meals may reduce the risk of bacterial food poisoning.
It prevents the growth 

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