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Showing posts with label Papaya Enzyme Side Effects and Warnings. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Papaya Enzyme Side Effects and Warnings. Show all posts

Wednesday 1 May 2013

Health Benefits of Papaya

Health Benefits of Papaya

Papaya enjoys a rich history, and has been used since very long for medicinal uses in day to day life. The Mayans used to worship papaya trees and called it the “Tree of Life”. It is said to be one of the favourite fruits of Christopher Columbus. The story goes that when his crew landed in America after a long sea voyage on meager meal, the native people welcomed them with extravagant feast, which caused digestive problems. The natives took the voyagers to the forest and offered them papaya and they got cured. The leaves, seeds and the milk of the papaya tree are used to cure intestinal problems and kill intestinal worms and parasites. Women from India, Pakistan and Bangladesh use them to prevent pregnancy and for abortion. Above all, papaya is a very delicious food that has been enjoyed lavishly by people as a part of cuisines and salads. 

Nutritional Values of Papaya
 Energy- 163 kJ
 Calories-39 kcal
 Sugars-5.90 gram
 Carbohydrates- 9.81 gram
 Dietary fiber- 1.8 gram
 Fat- 0.14 gram
 Protein- 0.61 gram
 Vitamin A- 328 micrograms (41%)
 Vitamin B1- 0.04 milligram (3%)
 Vitamin B2- 0.05 milligram (4%)
 Vitamin B3- 0.338 milligram (2%)
 Vitamin B6- 0.1 milligram (8%)
 Vitamin B9- 38 milligram (10%)
 Vitamin C- 61.8 milligram (74%)
 Calcium- 24 milligram (2%)
 Iron- 0.10 milligram (1%)
 Magnesium- 10 milligram (3%)
 Phosphorus- 5 milligram (1%)
 Potassium- 257 milligram (5%)
 Sodium- 3 milligram (0%)


Health Benefits of Papaya
Papaya is great for the skin and can be used as a face pack to get its benefits. It helps to get rid of acne and it helps to open clogged pores. The fermented flesh of papaya also called as papain helps to dissolve the dead cells, giving fresh and glowing skin as a result.

Papaya is a fruit that is rich in fiber and lowers cholesterol levels. It contains enzymes that help prevent oxidization of cholesterol, which in return helps to prevent heart-attacks. 

The antioxidants in papaya help in controlling premature ageing. This quality of the papaya helps you to get a younger look.

The seeds of papaya too possess medicinal properties. They are very good in treating intestinal worms in the body.

Papaya helps in preventing constipation and aids in digestion. The enzyme papain is a digestive enzyme that helps in natural digestion.

Papaya juice helps in curing infections of the colon by clearing the pus and mucus from it. You need to take it regularly to heal quickly.

Papaya is good to cure the skin infections and wounds that don’t heal quickly.

It is low in calories and high in nutritional values. Hence, it is a good food for those who want to lose some weight.

For pregnant ladies, regular consumption of a small slice of papaya helps to cure nausea and morning sickness.

Papaya contains anti-inflammatory enzymes that help in relieving pain for those who are suffering from arthritis, edema and osteoporosis, and it also possesses anti-cancerous properties that can help preventing cancer.

Papaya is rich in Vitamin A and Vitamin C that helps in boosting the body’s immunity and hence is very good for those who are suffering from fever, cold or flu.

Shampoos that contain papaya are very good to control dandruff.

Raw papaya helps in controlling the menstrual irregularities in women. Papaya helps to ease menstrual cramps and helps in promoting regular flow of menstruation.

Here were some good reasons to eat papaya at least once in a week. Papaya can be taken with fruit salads, or in other cuisines or can be applied directly on the skin, it is bound to show some positive results and benefit your health.

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Top 5 Papaya Health Benefits

There are many papaya benefits for your health and this beautiful orange/yellow tropical fruit is proof that nutritious food can also have an amazing taste.
Papaya, also known as papaw, is a rich source of antioxidants, phytonutrients, vitamins, minerals and special digestive enzymes that have a remarkable effect both internally and externally.
If you’d like to improve your skin, relieve digestion problems, protect your eyes and heart and possibly lower your risk of many diseases like cancer, then consider the many benefits of eating papaya.

1. Skin Protection
Ripe papaya is a great source of antioxidant vitamin C, vitamin E and carotenoids like beta-carotene and lycopene. The high levels of these valuable nutrients can help protect your skin against free radicals known to cause damage that leads to wrinkles and other visible signs of aging.
The enzyme papain in the flesh and skin of the fruit actually breaks down dead skin cells and helps promote skin renewal when used topically on the face or body. Papaya facial treatments are a popular way to improve your skin’s texture, elasticity and appearance. They may also help with wound healing and burns and even assist in the treatment of skin problems like acne, blemishes and age spots.

2. Papaya is Good for Your Eyes
Along with its beta-carotene content that can be converted to vitamin A, so important to healthy eyes and vision, papaya also contains the carotenoids lutein and zeaxanthin. 
Lutein and zeaxanthin, known as xanthophylls, are concentrated in the macular region of our eyes. Here they provide protection against high energy blue light that can damage our eye’s retinas. A good intake of both lutein and zeaxanthin is believed to significantly reduce our risk of developing age-related macular degeneration (ARMD), the most common cause of blindness in America.
The high levels of lutein and zeaxanthin in papaya may also protect us against developing cataracts, glaucoma, and other chronic eye diseases. Other good sources of lutein and zeaxanthin are pumpkins, spinach, broccoli and the yolks from free range eggs.
Many people also report an improvement in visual acuity and color perception with high doses of lutein and zeaxanthin in supplements derived from natural sources like marigold flowers.

3. Heart Disease and Papaya

The high levels of vitamin C and vitamin E along with antioxidants like beta-carotene and lycopene in papaw can help reduce the oxidization of cholesterol in our arteries. Cholesterol oxidization is considered a dangerous process, potentially leading to arteries blocked with plaque that can result in heart attacks. Increasing your intake of these antioxidants from health foods like papaya may help improve blood flow to the heart and reduce your risk of developing heart disease.
Papaya is a good source of folate which helps control homocysteine levels in the bloodstream. High levels of homocysteine in the blood is known to damage blood vessels and is considered another potential cause of cardiovascular disease.
The beneficial fiber in papaya can also help lower undesirable LDL cholesterol levels in the blood by inhibiting its absorption during digestion. This is yet another way eating this amazing superfood can help protect us from heart disease and stroke.

4.Improve Digestion
The enzymes in papaya, and especially the green fruit, can improve digestion by breaking down proteins into their individual amino acids. Undigested proteins can lead to many health issues, such as gastrointestinal problems and an overgrowth of flatulence causing bacteria in the colon.
The proteolytic enzyme papain found in papaya is actually so good at breaking down proteins, it is used as a meat tenderizer commercially.
If you can’t find it fresh, green papaya enzyme capsules and high strength digestive powder are convenient to take with a protein meal. Papaya does make for a great dessert whenever you can get it though.
There is much more on how papain can benefit your health in the page on how papain enzymes benefit digestion.

5. Papaya and Cancer Prevention

There are several important compounds that may make papaya a very beneficial superfood for reducing your risk of developing certain types of cancers. Obviously seek the advice of a knowledgeable health care professional when dealing with any serious disease. But also know that nutritious foods can support the body’s natural defenses and, in the case of papaya, may have certain nutrients of particular relevance for reducing cancer risk.
Once again, the rich antioxidant content of papaya, particularly lycopene, beta-carotene and another less well known carotenoid called beta-cryptoxanthin, are particularly beneficial in reducing your risk of developing cancer.
Proteolytic enzymes in papaya can digest the fibrin protein layer of cancer cells that usually surrounds and protects them. This may leave the cancerous cells more susceptible to the body’s immune response. It is also believed to hinder its growth and inhibit the cancer from spreading.
The fruit also contains compounds called isothiocyanates that may help prevent cancer by eliminating potential carcinogens from our bodies and enhancing the action of tumor suppressing proteins. Cruciferous vegetables like broccoli are an even richer source of isothiocyanates, but papaya is still a good source.
Recent research has studied the powerful cancer cell killing effects of compounds found in papaya leaves. See the page on could papaya leaf be a cancer treatment for more details.

Eating Papaya

Hopefully these 5 papaya health benefits are inspiring enough to have you wanting to eat it more often. If so, the next page on eating papaya for better health has many ways to include more of this great tasting and very healthy fruit in your daily meals.

Papaya Enzyme Side Effects and Warnings

While there are many benefits to eating papaya, there are also a few potential side effects and warnings to be aware of, particularly with regards to the unripe fruit and papain based enzyme supplements.

Pregnancy Precautions

Green papaya latex, which is rich in the main papaya enzyme papain, has been traditionally used by various cultures in Asia to induce a miscarriage during pregnancy.
For this purpose it was often applied directly to the uterus, but food forms such as green papaya salad, the parasite killing papaya seed smoothie ahead, as well as supplements containing papain are best avoided by pregnant women.
This warning does not extend to a fully ripe fresh fruit, which contains much lower levels of papain and is considered very healthy for pregnant women with it’s rich antioxidant and vitamin content.

Papaya Enzymes and Breast Feeding

Some sources advise against using papaya enzymes, unripe papaya or even the ripe fruit during breast feeding, though no specific reasons or supporting research is given why.
Interestingly, green papaya salads and soups are popular across Asia as a galactagogue, a substance that increases milk flow from the breast. To this end, eating the fruit while it is still green is often recommended for breast feeding women. Many Asian women also eat it regularly, even when not breast feeding, believing doing so can lead to an increase in breast size over time.

Papaya and Stomach Ulcers

There are mixed reports from health resources regarding papaya and ulcers. On the one hand, people suffering from severe stomach ulcers are sometimes advised to avoid the fruit, particularly when it’s green, as well as any digestive enzymes with papain.
On the other, eating papaya with its many nutrients and enzymes is often said to help prevent stomach ulcers and heal minor stomach problems. It may do this by both increasing the protective mucus secretions in the stomach and, due to its ability to speed up the break down of protein, lessening the amount of time hydrochloric acid sits in the stomach.
While the occasional ripe fruit should not cause problems, talk to your doctor if you are being treated for a stomach ulcer and are thinking of using enzymes containing papain for digestion.

Papain and Blood Thinning Medications

Papain may increase the blood thinning effects of medications such as Warfarin and other anticoagulants, including daily aspirin taken for this purpose. As such it is not recommended for use at the same time as a course of these drugs.
It is best not to take papain for several days before major surgery for the same reason.
People with blood clotting disorders, such as thrombosis and hemophilia, are also advised to avoid papain and green papaya. In cases like these, and any of the above, it is best to discuss using papain enzymes with a knowledgeable healthcare professional.

Papaya Allergies

Papaya and especially the green fruit should be avoided by anyone with a latex allergy. Papaya allergies are rare, but people who experience allergic reactions to papaw may also have an adverse reaction to pineapples, avocados, bananas, figs, kiwi fruit, melons and possibly other tropical fruit as well and should use these with caution and watch for symptoms.
Allergic reactions symptoms, while once again very uncommon, can include: swelling or itching of the face, lips, tongue and throat; rashes that appear shortly after consumption; dizziness; difficulty swallowing; and abdominal pain. There may be other side effects of a papaya or latex allergies so seek medical advice as soon as possible if you have any unusual reactions after eating any of the fruit listed above.
For the vast majority of people, papaya and the enzymes from the unripe fruit are an extremely nutritious food and a very healthy addition to your diet. Next is a look at the unusual health benefits of papaya seeds and using them as a treatment for parasites.

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