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Showing posts with label indian women. Show all posts
Showing posts with label indian women. Show all posts

Friday, 10 May 2013

weight loss diet chart for indian women

weight loss diet chart for indian women

Week 2

8:00 am (as soon as you wake up) – 2 glasses of tulsi leave water ( soak 5 tulsi leaves in 2 glasses of water. Strain out the leaves and drink the water.) 5 soaked almonds with the skin. 1 kali mirch.

9:00 am – 1 toast (brown bread) with amul lite butter / hung curd dressing/ salad and chutney
11:30 am – one fruit of your wish

1:30 pm – A small plate of salad before starting the meal. 1 sandwich (2 brown breads with paneer filling, if you are a vegetarian and egg whites, if you are a non vegetarian.)

5:00 pm
 – 1cup of milk or tea with 2 biscuits

7:30 pm –A small plate of salad before starting the meal. 1 bran chappati with 1 k vegetable (this week you can take rajmah, channa or kadhi )

8:30 pm – one fruit of your wish

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