weight loss diet chart for indian women
Week 2
8:00 am (as soon as you wake up) – 2 glasses of tulsi leave water ( soak 5 tulsi leaves in 2 glasses of water. Strain out the leaves and drink the water.) 5 soaked almonds with the skin. 1 kali mirch.
9:00 am – 1 toast (brown bread) with amul lite butter / hung curd dressing/ salad and chutney
11:30 am – one fruit of your wish
1:30 pm – A small plate of salad before starting the meal. 1 sandwich (2 brown breads with paneer filling, if you are a vegetarian and egg whites, if you are a non vegetarian.)
5:00 pm – 1cup of milk or tea with 2 biscuits
7:30 pm –A small plate of salad before starting the meal. 1 bran chappati with 1 k vegetable (this week you can take rajmah, channa or kadhi )
8:30 pm – one fruit of your wish
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