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Monday, 13 May 2013

Suryanamaskar is more than weight loss

Suryanamaskar is more than weight loss
Suryanamaskar can do to your body what months of dieting cannot. And it can do to your mind what no spiritual discourse can.
Not surprising, the world is going crackers over this ancient yogic tradition of worshipping the rising sun. What with the likes of Jennifer Aniston, Victoria Beckham and Kareena Kapoor endorsing it over gym workouts and bizarre diets.

Beej mantra for Surya Namaskar

 I request you to take a print of this chart and chant each mantra while doing each step.

 Asana  Breath
1 Pranamasana exhale
2 Hasta Uttanasana inhale  
3 Hastapaadasana exhale  
4 Aekpaadprasarnaasana inhale  
5 Dandasana exhale  
6 Ashtanga Namaskara suspend  
7 Bhujangasana inhale  
8 Adho Mukha Svanasana exhale  
9 Ashwa Sanchalanasana (other leg forward than in 4, then up as in 4) inhale  
10 Uttanasana exhale  
11 Hasta Uttanasana inhale  
12 Pranamasana exhale

The 12 steps of surya namaskar (sun salutation):

Step 1: Start with the palm tree posture, with your hands relaxed, fingers pointing downwards and weight equally distributed.
Step 2: Move on to the tadas, inhale, raise your hands and stretch backwards.
Step 3: Next is the pranavas. Exhale, bend forward and try to touch your knees with your forehead.
Step 4: Now, stretch your right leg backward, bringing down the left knee, with your palms on the floor while stretching backwards.
Step 5: Holding your breath, bring your legs together. This is called the plank posture
Step 6: Stretching low, hold your spine out. This is known as the ashtanga namaskar where the knee, chest and chin are in contact with the floor.
Step 7: Inhale, stretch forward and bend backwards. This is the bhujanga asana
Step 8: Exhale and lean forward. This is the parvata asana.
Step 9: Now, bring your right leg forward, between your elbows as you inhale. Stretch upwards.
Step 10: Bring your left leg forward. Inhale deeply.
Step 11: Stretch backwards from the waist.
Step 12: Return to the palm tree posture.

Related Sites : for more information you can visit these sites

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