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Showing posts with label Fad dieting. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fad dieting. Show all posts

Monday, 1 July 2013

How To Lose Weight?

How To Lose Weight?


Nutri Health Systems is a pioneer is weight management industry. The team provide solutions to fast and effective weight loss that is permanent. Fad dieting, crash diets, yo-yo dieting and heat machines are concepts of the past. None of these means are encouraged at Nutri Health Systems.

Weight Loss is considered as a multi-faceted process. It is not about just eating less. It is actually about doing lots more.

Inorder to lose weight effectively, firstly find a dietician compatible with your temperament. Many prefer an expert who is aggressive and strict whereas some of us rather approach a counsellor who is understanding and kind. At Nutri Health Systems the diet experts are selected with recommendable scholastic aptitude and refined etiquettes.

Talk to your diet expert about every factor that disturbs you about your weight and all that concerns that you have about your weight loss. A good weight loss strategy is a two way communication process between both dietician and the dieter. We encourage a healthy conversation at Nutri Health Systems between the expert and patient.

Secondly, understand your body constitution. At Nutri Health Systems, each individual is considered as a body type. Nutri Genetics is given high importance and so blood group and ayurvedic constitution analysis is a must before diet plans are made.

Thirdly, diets are planned which are based on lifestyle, age, blood group and Ayurveda science.

After, plans are ready. Weekly follow ups begin and you will start seeing weight loss results. An ideal way to lose weight is ½ to 1 kg per week. You will notice that 3-4 kgs of weight drops quickly in the beginning; this is water loss. Actual weight drops after the first 3-4 kgs. Slow and steady weight loss is the best. The faster you lose, the quicker it all comes back.

A good weight loss diet ensures that you don't lose muscle mass. If you lose muscle, your chances of weight rebound are greater and you will find it difficult to bulge the weight later.

A good dietician accepts that your body is not a machine or a challenge. She will respect your response to the plans. And, a good dieter needs to understand that weight loss diets are not magic pills. Initially with compatibilty assessment the dietician understands your body and moves forward accordingly.

Nutri Health Systems; weight management plan has received accolade for its scientific, well researched program which is a unique combination of latest nutrition updates and ayurvedic diets. The team is empathetic, considerate and will be willing enough to reassure you at each step on how to lose weight effectively and ensure no weight rebound.